How to link Broadlink user defined devices to Amazon Alexa

1 min readJan 15, 2024

I decided to try using Amazon Alexa — and it was seamless! In today’s article, I will document and explain the process of how I got to use Alexa on my android phone to control my remote-controlled gate (operating on Radio Frequency).


  1. Download and set up Amazon Alexa application on your phone
  2. Broadlink App (Android/Apple)
  3. Broadlink rm4 Pro linked and added to your Broadlink application
  4. User-defined device (in this case, RF transmitter), linked to your Broadlink rm4 Pro, described in this tutorial

Step-by-step Guide

Enable Broadlink skill in Amazon Alexa application

  1. Open Amazon Alexa Application > More > Skills & Games
  2. Search for “Broadlink” skill and click “Enable to use”. This will require you to log in to your Broadlink application.
  3. You should see “Broadlink has been successfully linked” once above steps are completed.

Enable Voice command to activate scene

  1. The scenes defined in your Broadlink application will be visible in the Amazon Alexa Application.
  2. Navigate to Devices > + > Add Group > Create a room or device group
  3. Follow instructions to create a new group. In this case, I will use a customized name “Garage”.
  4. Upon clicking next, you will see all scenes available to be selected. These scenes are retrieved from your Broadlink application. Select the scene you require to link it to “Garage”.
  5. Once complete, you can activate this scene via voice command.
  6. “Alexa, activate Garage.”

You are now able to activate a Broadlink scene via Alexa Voice Command.

